Christian content creators and distributors, all hands on deck

There has never been a better time for Christian content creators to get the lifesaving message of the gospel in front of individuals.

In May 2012 alone, more than 180 million people living in the U.S. watched 36.6 billion content videos.

That’s almost 60% of the total population.

Given the mass digital distribution of high-quality content, it is no wonder that more people are using digital devices and platforms intensively.

For Christian artists, digital technology has lowered the barriers (distribution costs, material costs, barriers to entry) so low, that the primary requirement is…“Has God given you the unique abilities, talents and gifts?”

Lowered barriers enables the production of an almost limitless variety of content forms.

There will always be a place for preaching content, though it can now be even more finely oriented to specific locales, cultural situations, audiences and occasions. There is practically limitless options for formats that will reach hearts and minds.

This is also a moment for online distributors and distribution hubs.

The power of lowered barriers brings opportunities to change the distribution model of Christian content as we know it. Everyone can create software driven platforms that can help accelerate shipment of the creative projects we’ve been talking about; to get them out fast and to get them the attention they need.

Digital technology has profound positive implications for the gospel, but there has never been a moment of greater challenge and urgency.

When you consider that 150,000 people go into eternity every day (nearly 7,000 in the U.S.), and that they have no hope without Jesus, “all hands on deck” are needed to create and distribute inspiring, biblical, gospel-focused material.

Will the online pathways always be as open and available as they are now?

Who knows? Areas with more highways tend to have more congestion. The more Christians can work together to produce and ship, the quicker a foothold for the gospel can be established on the digital highways of the global village.

Calling all-hands-on-deck! If you are a video storyteller or filmmaker looking for greater distribution at no cost, Capstone eMedia Group would love to hear from you.

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