Digital Missions: What Do You See?

In my last post we looked at the importance of determining how God uniquely wires a church for Digital Missions. Now it’s time to consider developing a vision for the initiative.

Small boy with telescope

As you peer into a future that has the church expanding its use of technology and media, “What do you see?” Here’s some gut-check questions to get the ball rolling.

What do you see?

A. Communication channels that look fine the way they are? OR B. Fresh ideas and innovation flowing for using IT and media to reach the next generation?

A. Insufficient content for having a 24/7 Web presence? OR B. Expanded communications channels for releasing creative expression throughout all sectors of the church?

A. The burden of needing to hire more staff? OR B. A ministry effectively managed by those God has called to serve through church communications?

A. Additional responsibilities for pastors? OR B. Creative ways for more church leaders to have meaningful dialogue with the community?

A. Taking risks by trying untested methods? OR B. Being bold by embracing powerful new tools?

A. The cost of complex IT systems? OR B. An opportunity to spread the gospel at times, in places and to people never before possible?

If what you see is reflected mostly by “A” answers, then rallying the troops for a major change in communications strategy will probably be difficult. If the “B” answers more closely match the hopes and aspirations of your leaders, then press ahead. Developing a vision will be an exciting adventure into discovering what God has planned.

Vision-casting for Digital Missions will still take work. Leaders will need to make sure the people know that the core vision and ideals of the church will not change. Not ever.

I’ve learned from Will Mancini, while participating in Auxano’s co::Lab, that keeping the identity of the people connected to the core vision, “allows them to feel important despite the fact that the methods, technology or structure may be changing.”

Five questions to consider when vision-casting for Digital Missions:

In what ways will media and technology enable the church to:
1. Carry out its mission to make disciples and spread the gospel?
2. Leverage its strengths and communicate its core values?
3. Execute its distinct ministry strategies and to work together like never before?
4. Hit the targets its aiming for and to measure success?
5. Fulfill God’s fantastic future and to share the milestones of progress along the way?

No major ministry initiative should be undertaken without a clear vision. Frustration and loss of resources will likely be the result.

A well-defined vision for Digital Missions, seamlessly integrated with core vision, will lead to the development of a powerful synergy of all communication efforts. What you see will be humbling, as the number of lives that can be efficiently touched sinks in.

Question: Digital Missions: What do you see?

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