Digital Pioneers: Praying For Granger Community Church

Technology is making it possible for local churches to spread the gospel and expand in ways never before possible. Recently, I’ve been spending a lot of time studying the issue. It occurred to me, however, that I hadn’t spent time praying for the digital pioneers.


Debate about online church, video teaching and other outreach oriented technologies is increasing among church leaders.

Considering “what it means to be the Church in a virtual world,” with answers rooted in Biblical interpretation, is a necessary part of the process. It will help churches avoid theological train wrecks.


“It’s all about Jesus and doing what Jesus did,” a prominent pastor noted as part of his effort to guide the debate.

Well, one thing we know that Jesus did was to pray for His Church; His disciples and those whose lives would be changed by the Good News.

“I pray for them. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name—the name you gave me—so that they may be one as we are one. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17)

So while the debate over technology strategy continues, praying for the digital pioneers and the people they’re impacting for Christ, right now, would seem to be something all sides could agree on.

To find out how to pray specifically for one of these trailblazers, I called Granger Community Church, (GCC), Granger, IN. They’re preparing to start an online campus.

Web Director, Daryl McMullen gave me an overview of GCC’s online strategy and a list of their target areas for prayer.

Relationship building – Connecting people in the online community will be a priority for GCC. They don’t want participants to just sit at home. They want them engaged; to make a difference locally and in the world. They feel people going online to chat and have theological discussions is great. They’re asking for prayer that people attending the web campus will also grow in their faith, get involved by serving others and have a measurable impact. Otherwise, McMullen said, “What’s the point?”

The technology – The systems are complex. There is the obvious need for everything to work right. They want their technology systems to be to reliable week after week and need prayer for that.

Volunteers – From its inception as a church, GCC has built a culture of involvement. They want to see that participation carried over to the web campus in Indiana, other communities and ultimately around the world. It will take new types of training and oversight processes to manage volunteers in distant locations. A big idea they are committing to prayer and God’s provision.

International opportunities – The international scope of the outreach is huge. GCC will need insight on the best ways to make the services available in different time zones and different languages.

Staff – The GCC staff will need to be at their best every day, especially during the time leading up to and surrounding the launch of the web campus. They need prayer for the courage to withstand opposition. Faith to depend totally on God for every detail. And the humility to give Him the glory. (I added “Staff” to pray for members of the GCC team by name.)

GCC Leadership:
Dr. Mark Beeson, senior/founding pastor
Butch Whitmire, Pastor of Creative Arts
Mark Waltz, Pastor of Connections
Rob Wegner, Pastor of Life Mission
Tim Stevens, Executive Pastor

GCC Communications Team:
Daryl McMullen, Web Director
Jami Ruth, Communications Manager
Jeanna Miller, Web Services Coordinator
Kem Meyer, Communications Director
Lisa DeSelm, Communications Coordinator
Matt Metger, IT Project Specialist
Shari Wolfgang, Administrative Assistant to Communications and IT

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name…”

The use of technology for church outreach in the U.S. is still in its development phase. Churches are working together to find a common set of guiding principles and best practices.

Standing together to pray for the digital pioneers, like Granger Community Church, can help them discover what God wants, keep them going and increase their effectiveness for Christ.

(Team leaders of Granger Community Church pray. Photo courtesy IN Conference United Methodist Church.)

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