Five Essential Building Blocks of Christian Media

Technology is completely reshaping media. Religious broadcasters and churches are right in the thick of it. It seems to me a good time for looking back on the legacy of religious broadcasting and looking forward to Christian media in the third millennium.

Let’s look at five building blocks provided by God that have sustained Christian media for nearly 100 years.

Looking back

Five building blocks God provided for traditional broadcasters.

1. The network. God had a redemptive purpose for man’s “harnessing” of radio technology. The U.S. Christian broadcasting network currently consists of 2400 full power radio stations and 100 full power TV stations, and a total audience reach of 75 million.

2. The workers. God always calls people to fulfill His purposes. Over the years, hundreds of thousands have answered the call to work in radio, TV and church media. The National Religious Broadcasters and The Gospel Music Association were formed to provide community and bring unity to these Christian media workers.

3. The content. God’s promises have been the cornerstone of a wide range of faith-based, hope-filled and family themed broadcasting content. Created by pastors, churches, ministries, individual broadcasters, networks and artists.

4. The partners. Through donors and advertisers, loyal audiences, public and private partnerships, God has provided support for the greatest Christian communication platform the world has ever seen (to date).

5. The results. Whenever I’ve asked someone involved in using media for the gospel what the greatest benefit of their work is, they’ve always said, ‘the lives of people changed for Christ.’ It’s the reason we do what we do. Historian Tona Hangen defined the impact this way:

In the latter half of the twentieth century, religious broadcasting made possible coalitions and personal relationships that permanently changed individual lives and revitalized a set of religious traditions that seemed on the verge of extinction.

Looking forward

“I know that everything God does will endure forever. Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.” (Ecclesiastes 3:13-15)

The individual characteristics of the five building blocks will change to accommodate new technologies, globalization, and participants but their fundamental nature will remain intact. “Everything God does will endure forever.”

The network. God has a redemptive purpose for man’s “harnessing” digital technology. The global communications network is providing tens of thousands of Christian individuals and organizations with the opportunity to build local and global outreaches, reaching massive audiences. Some are using both traditional and new media. Some exist entirely online.

The workers. A new breed of worker is being called to jobs such as Digital Pastor and Director of Digerati. Roles are being redefined in traditional media organizations to incorporate an understanding and execution of new media.

The content. Digital technology is making it possible for Christian new media networks like Open to create and distribute ‘free’ libraries of creative materials and sermon series. Faith Comes By Hearing has developed Bibleis, a ‘free’ suite of mobile and social media applications for reading, listening to, and sharing the Bible around the world, in over 450 languages.

The partners. A consensus is forming on the need  for more partnership and collaboration. To break down barriers between organizations by sharing knowledge, skills, experience and financial resources. What new media evangelism, discipling and community service ventures will materialize as broadcast stations, churches and ministries join forces?

The results. Lives are being changed by the gospel, through all forms of electronic media, on a global scale never seen before.

We are the first generation in all of human history to hold within our hands the technology to reach every man, woman and child on the earth by 2020, said Walt Wilson, founder and CEO of Global Media Outreach.

The future of Christian media

The future of Christian media will include revolutionary technology innovations, new workers, attracting younger audiences, greater collaboration and impacting all nations for the glory of Christ.

Success will, to some degree, depend on how well the aforementioned five enduring building blocks, the legacy of religious broadcasters, are kept in place as a firm foundation for constructing the new Christian media platform.

Trusting that, “God will generously provide all that you need,” to accomplish the mission.

Question: What are some other key building blocks of Christian Media in the Digital Age?

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