Innovate Now or Be Left Behind, Technologically

The Internet surpasses TV as most essential medium. Could it be? The Infinite Dial 2010 research finds that for the first time more people would choose to eliminate television from their lives than the Internet, if they were forced to choose.

This study explores the impact of digital platforms on all traditional forms of media. The data reveals why it’s important to get game plans ready-now-for the future of Christian media. Is it time for churches, ministries and Christian organizations to be more aggressive in making technology and innovation a key part of their strategies?

Considering the speed at which technology is moving, the answer would appear to be “yes.”

Research headlines

The relentless impact of the Internet: Internet surpasses TV as most essential medium

Printed newspapers will cease to exist: Nearly half of Americans believe

Social media explodes into the mainstream: Broadband Internet access is nearly ubiquitous

The car, the pocket and the home: the next battlegrounds for digital and broadcast

My summary

The onslaught of technology is continuing to affect how media is used by organizations and consumed by audiences. And more change is on the way.

Intel recently announced a breakthrough technology using light beams that will lead to faster Internet and computers. An HD film or 100 hours of music could be delivered to a PC or handheld device in less than a second. The Library of Congress delivered in 90 seconds. Beam me up on that one. The technology could reach the mass market by the middle of the decade.

It’s almost cliche at this point, the transition from old to new is happening. As we’ve previously discussed, it’s important for churches and Christian organizations to catch up technologically.

Five free tools

It seems fairly straightforward – innovate, learn the new tools and strategies, or be left behind.

For those that would like to increase their adoption and use of social media and communication technologies, I’ve listed five sets of free tools to explore. Each of these resources comes from a well-established organization. I’m personally involved with the last two.

An example of how the tools are being used follows each listing.

1. Developing a Local Facebook Strategy. A library of Facebook Training Videos and tools from for anyone who manages a Facebook page, or anyone who will interact and communicate through a Facebook page. Includes info on creating Facebook custom pages.

Example: Soul City Church local page

2. Developing a Local Social Media Strategy. Training videos from Saddleback Church, providing guidance on how to use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to invite friends to an event.

Example: Saddleback Church Social Media tools

3. Developing a Live Broadcast Strategy. Livestream is a live broadcast platform on the internet. Use this tool to create LIVE, scheduled and on-demand internet television to broadcast anywhere on the web. Broadcast live from a mobile phone and use a customizable flash player with integrated chat.The free service is ad supported.

Example: WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers Lifestream Channel

4. Developing an Internet Evangelism Strategy. Becoming an Online Missionary is the best way to experience how technology is being used to reach people around the world for Christ. Global Media Outreach makes it possible to share your faith from the comfort of your home or office.

Example: Nick Runyon

5. Developing a Collaboration Strategy. Creating partnerships in local communities or with others around the world can lead to tremendous growth. With Innovate4Jesus, form your own group, or participate in any other group, by location and topic (such as Internet evangelism, web development, church communications, social media, donor development, etc.). Share best ideas and practices.

The program uses the community and communication ability of The City, the web-based community building platform from Zondervan.

Example: Innovate4Jesus Plaza

Keep your feet moving

In football, one of the best ways to keep from losing yards or for getting out of a tackle when you hit somebody is to first initiate contact. Second, keep your feet moving at all times. This is called the ‘hit and drive.’

Using these free tools or others (there are many excellent fee-based products and services to help you) will equip your organization and partners for hitting the barriers to technological change and progress head on. Initiating contact.

Engagement, followed by experimentation, can lead to innovation for – outreach, connections and conversations, discipleship, content development, e-commerce, revenue models, etc.

Innovation creates positive change and moves the organization forward. Keeping your feet moving.

Organizations that cannot keep pace will be left behind, technologically. A game plan that includes learning about the new tools, engagement with appropriate technologies, and God inspired innovation will help make sure yours isn’t one of them.

Hit and drive.

Question: What other free tools or resources can you recommend?

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