Men of Issachar Needed in the Digital Age

The use of New Media has created new possibilities as well as new challenges for Christians.

It takes great spiritual discernment to understand how digital communications relates to the mission of the Church.

Whenever I think of how churches and individual Christians should respond to the digital revolution, I’m reminded of the men of Issachar.

The men of Issachar, understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” I Chronicles 12:32

The men of Issachar were an amazing and valuable group of 200 leaders that played a crucial role in making David king over all Israel.

Their wisdom stands the test of time.

They understood the times. They were men of great skill, able to accurately perceive the issues and provide an insightful analysis.

Leaders are needed today to give careful attention to understanding new media and social networks. They will, as the Spirit helps, discern the place for technology in fulfilling the mission of the Church.

They knew what Israel should do. They were forward thinkers, able to establish a clear vision, and transform it into a coherent strategy.

Leaders are needed today to make creative use of the new technologies, to employ their full potential, and to develop practical policies and workable outreach endeavors.

They knew how to lead. They were passionate and totally committed to their mission, “fully determined to make David king.” (v. 38) They were a team, as “day after day men came to help.” (v. 22) They were unified, as “all Israel came together.” (11:1)

Leaders are needed today who will undertake new media ventures; experiment with new technologies; and establish cooperative communication efforts across cultural, denominational and geographical lines.

Generation at a crossroad

We must pray for discernment asking God, who sees and knows all things, to give us His wisdom and clarity.

The men of Issachar didn’t sit on the sidelines as the world changed around them. They knew what was at stake. A great nation’s future hung in the balance. They prepared for battle.

The men of Issachar were mighty soldiers and warriors. They didn’t have to change their God-shaped identity and calling to align their thinking and strategy with the times. They took command of the situation and carried out God’s purposes.

Men of Issachar are needed for the 21st century. Men (and women) who understand the Digital Age. Leaders who perceive that if the Church doesn’t saturate the online world for the cause of Christ, enemies of the gospel will dominate the space for their causes.

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