The Great Church Run for Technology

Every day more churches are entering the race to keep up with technology. Advances in technology are opening new doors of opportunity for communicating the gospel. This is a race many pastors and church leaders deeply desire to win.

With the right preparation, you can!

Internal communication for churches has included newsletters, bulletins and websites. External communication – reaching outside to the wider community – has meant the use of media (radio, television, internet), marketing and outreach PR.

New technologies and media tools are being developed at a non-stop pace.

There’s software to help you focus on building relationships and community. Software to bring members together online and in real life. Software to mobilize people and resources to do good works.

Communication technologies have made it possible for you to build a full-service media platform…without the purchase of broadcast media. Live global streaming, video on demand, video email, podcasting and social media are enabling the extension of ministry beyond the four walls of the church.

You can do Internet broadcasting at a fraction of the cost for terrestrial broadcasting.

The tipping point has been reached where real-time communication of the gospel is possible from your church to just about anywhere in the world. Is your church prepared to take advantage of the opportunities?


Runners know that the key to a successful race is preparation. Here are at least four things you should do before running the technology race.

1. Spiritual preparation: Ask God for the people, tools, resources and vision for building a technology platform that will accomplish His purposes.

2. Mission preparation: Develop a mission statement for technology that fits into what God has specifically set your church apart to do. Constantly ask the question, “Are these tools in tune with the purposes of the church?”

3. Team preparation: Building an outreach using New Media will take a team. The right people need to be in place, well informed and involved in the process from the ground up. People are your most important asset. Make sure they know it. Then, communicate the mission to them clearly. Staff enthusiasm will indicate “buy-in.”

4. Technology preparation: Harnessing the complexity of technology takes talent. Hire the staff or bring in professional consultants from the outside to help do the work with excellence. The three most important words in technology are “plan, plan, plan.” Developing a technology plan is essential to successfully aligning people, processes and technology. And controlling costs.


Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about you; and be a guard for them. Ezekiel 38:7

If you want to build community and deepen relationships with staff, celebrate achievements and milestones along the way. Regular encouragement will help to sustain their energy and diminish the effects of “hitting the wall.”

With the right preparation your church will be ready to run the next leg of its technology race … to win!

Question: What other ways can churches prepare to integrate new technologies into all church functions?

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