The simplicity that is in Digital Missions

It was Oswald Chambers that said, “Simplicity is the secret of seeing things clearly.”

For saints that means the capacity to see things the way God sees them and to respond according to His principles.

The problem is, we often try to think our way through spiritual things.

In spiritual matters, Chambers says we will just “think ourselves into cotton wool.”

Have you ever experienced that?

Sometimes a difficult situation or even the smallest thing can throw us off track. Instead of viewing the circumstances from God’s perspective, we often try to reason our way through it.

Spiritual muddle

When we expend energies not under the direction of the Spirit, our peace is replaced by stress and anxiety. We can think ourselves into a spiritual muddle.

That happened to me while working on a big technology project. I was eager to wrap up a particularly important detail and was doing everything I could to make it happen. The reality was, I just needed to wait for some more pieces to fall into place.

Have I mentioned that waiting is not exactly a strong suit?

Seeing with the eyes of God, I would have known to “be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalm 37:7

Instead, I churned through logic trying to think of ways to bring the matter to conclusion. That just led to frustration and eventually to a prayer…

“Lord, unwrap me from this cotton wool.”

A spiritual concern

A shift in attention was needed. That’s when an email notification caught my eye.

It was a notice from the digital missions ministry I work with indicating that a seeker had reached out to connect. I usually open those emails at another time, but was prompted to read this one right away.

It was from Rebecca, a young Australian girl who had recently recommitted her life to Christ. She had written several times during the last year asking for prayer.

This time her words struck a chord in my heart.

I feel as though my friend just keeps being mean to me and hitting me and stuff. It upsets me because even though she is my friend she won’t stop. When I tried to tell her I didn’t like it she got offended. Today she “denounced Jesus” and said she didn’t believe he was her Saviour. She never really had any faith before, but I don’t know what to do or how to act.

None of my friends are Christian and they don’t know I am. They keep swearing and acting like it doesn’t matter. I don’t like it but I feel I can’t tell them to stop because they will think I’m weird and will overrule me. I’ve thought about sitting with another group that are more Christian, but it wouldn’t be the same because I have known my friends for so long. Not being with them would just be so different. 

I was once kicked out of my group so I don’t want to leave again. I don’t want to cause any arguments or problems between my group but I don’t know what to do.

Please give me some advice on what I could do.

But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve in his craftiness, so your minds might be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3

Spiritual clarity

As I was praying for Rebecca, instantly, there was clarity. My spiritual muddle was made plain.

My own thinking and impatience had caused my stress. Rebecca was facing bullies, peer pressure, put-downs and loneliness. Not because of anything she had done, but because of her love for Jesus.

With daylight clarity, the simplicity that is in digital missions broke out into the open. The absolutely wonderful opportunity to focus on the spiritual needs of others, rather than on our own circumstances. Maybe the waiting was necessary to help me see that. God knows what’s best, even when it doesn’t make sense.

The digital tools have made online ministry simple and easy. The power and authority, the humility and simplicity – for everything in life – is in Christ.

“Lord, thank you for sending Rebecca to remind us of the simplicity of your preeminence in all situations. Be her strength and shield. Enable her, and each of us, to be a shining light of your love to those not yet your followers.”

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