Whose Vision Is It Anyways?

When I participated in Auxano’s co::Lab, vision coach Will Mancini led us on the “Vision Pathway” toward a lifestyle of visionary leadership.”


By definition, a lifestyle affects relationships, actions and how things get done.

That makes the source of vision, from which the lifestyle gets its meaning, very important.

Working with Will, I learned three truths about visionary leadership:

Principle #1: All true vision comes from God. “Then the Lord said to me,’Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.'” (Habakkuk 2:2)

Almighty God is the source of all true vision.

God alone wants to reveal His plan for our churches, our ministries, our businesses, and our lives. Not only that, His message is to be assembled in such a way that it can be clearly articulated to others.

From the outset in any major undertaking, there is to be no mistake about the origin of the vision.

Principle #2: God alone enables us to see His vision. “I could not do anything of my own accord.” (Numbers 24:13)

Self centeredness defeats clarity when seeking God’s vision. Leaders must subordinate every desire, every dream, every whim in order for the Lord’s vision to break through. Staying spiritually fit will keep us out of mental fog.

Humility allows the Spirit to confirm in our hearts and minds that the dream or plan is from the Lord, and not something we have conjured up on our own.

Principle #3: The ability to think about or plan toward God’s future takes His wisdom. “I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.” (Proverbs 4:11)

God told Solomon that he could ask for anything and it would be given to him. Solomon asked for wisdom. That may be the number one prayer request of leaders today. God give us wisdom to _____.

Only the Creator of the universe can give us a mental image followed by an understanding of the pathway toward the splendid future He has planned.

Identifying enemies of the vision

It might seem obvious for a Christian leader to say God is the source of all true vision. After all, He is also the author of every true value and every right principle that guides our lives.

What is not always so clear, is identifying the enemies that can cloud our ability to see God’s grand picture. Entrepreneurial leaders are constantly coming up with the new: new ideas, new ways of doing things, new directions, new avenues of growth.

But here’s the thing. The new may be good, but it may not always be best.

In the past year, we have been working with a team of very talented and dedicated digital warriors on a large project.

There have been a few times when our good ideas just didn’t seem good enough to move us forward. The Lord had brought us to a place where to demonstrate that the vision was His, and that He was in control, we needed to agree that we would not take another step until He showed us the best path forward.

We had to put ourselves in a place where either God showed up or we would bow out. By letting go of our good, and waiting for His best, we were saying, “Lord it’s your vision. Lead us.”

His vision, His way

When we subordinate our good for God’s best, even if it means the deal is off, we will experience a greater intimacy with the Creator than if we pushed ahead on our own. What plan, no matter how grand it is, can be better than that?

When we let God carry His vision, His way, we will experience victories over all enemies, foreign and domestic, bent on thwarting our dreams and spiritual lives. We will see the One who called us, the One who is faithful, and the One who will complete the vision.

We will see with a clarity that will completely redefine how we lead others forward with vision.

Question: What is your biggest obstacle to living a lifestyle of visionary leadership?

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