With Internet Gospel Broadcasting we can…

Home Town Community Church recently made the decision to significantly increase it’s presence on the Internet. A task force was formed to consider starting a full-time Internet Broadcast Ministry.

The first assignment of the exploratory team was to make a list of capabilities that Internet Broadcasting would bring to the church. The task force started with a working description of the medium, and how it can support the mission of the church.

The overall role of Internet Gospel Broadcasting is to help build the Church around the world. It can extend church communication to anyone, anywhere; provide a social space for interaction; and point people to offline experiences.

The church has graciously given me permission to share a composite of the distinct sets of capabilities they believe Internet Broadcasting can bring to their ministry.

The Internet outreach task force of Home Town Community Church has determined, that with Internet Broadcasting…

1. We can deliver audio and video content to the local area and the world, without the need for large monetary or technical resources or complex licensing requirements.

2. We can deliver live or pre-recorded content continuously, similar to traditional terrestrial radio and television broadcasting, or as on demand content.

3. We can, under the blessing of the Spirit, use the media platform to lead people to Christ.

4. We can help new and growing believers on their spiritual journey with online interactive versions of traditional ministries such as the new believers class.

5. We can support church planting efforts by leveraging social networks and bringing families together for community or worship, anywhere in the world.

6. We can create interactive online communities as a support for Christians; as a gathering place for those disappointed with their church, looking for a church home, or those that just don’t feel comfortable in church; and as a haven for Christians in non-Christian parts of the world where it is dangerous to meet.

7. We can raise up volunteers to serve as on air program hosts, and to participate on support teams for specific initiatives, such as an online ministry outreach to teens, or to individuals in prison.

8. We can create custom content, appropriate for all age groups, that reflects the mission and convictions of the church.

9. We can repurpose and distribute content already being created in the church for weekend services and the website.

10. We can give members of the congregation an opportunity to participate in the church’s mission and broadcast ministry by having them contribute YouTube videos, blog posts, Flickr photos, Twitter posts, book and record reviews.

11. We can add a full-fledged powerful marketing and public relations arm with the platform and operate it 24 hours a day to maximize the potential audience size.

12. We can join with traditional media ministries and Christian broadcasters, combine media resources, and work on a variety of community projects, special events and relief efforts.

13. We can develop working relationships with others that have existing media platforms such as ministries doing Internet evangelism.

14. We can innovate, experiment, try new methods and tools, build on top of other systems, or develop new tools for reaching the lost and discipling them.

15. We can create intuitive mobile phone applications and services that allow people of all ages to effortlessly access the church’s content while they’re on the go — anytime, anywhere.

16. We can provide employment opportunities for the next generation of digital media workers.

17. We can have access to near real-time data collection that will help the church study viewing and listening habits and preferences; determine if particular content appeals to specific parts of the world; track how individuals are responding to the messages, and learn how to provide them with resources and tools suited for their needs.

18. We can use several methods to generate operating revenue for the platform, these include: donations, in stream advertising, subscription that does not include in stream advertising, website advertising, e-mail newsletter advertising, and social media fundraising campaigns.

19. We can use the platform for networking and sharing ideas with others doing media ministry.

20. We can work together with the Church to cover the earth with the gospel in our lifetime.

Home Town Community Church is not an actual church. The list of capabilities that Internet Gospel Broadcasting brings to the church, however, is very real and can be executed by churches of all sizes. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you get started.

Question: What other capabilities can Internet Gospel Broadcasting bring to the local church?

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