Online Evangelism Changes Lives and Other Takeaways From Global Media Outreach Webinar

This was the day for Global Media Outreach (GMO) to host its Webinar in observance of Internet Evangelism Day. It was also a day to talk about the tools God has given the Church for sharing the gospel online.

This and other takeaways from an online seminar looking at the impact of the Internet on missions and ministry.

In a way, the GMO seminar felt like a virtual session of the Ministry Internet and Technology Summit, occurring at the same time in San Diego.

Over 200 packed into the room online for the GMO workshop.

Eight takeaways

1. One-third of countries closed to missionaries (Pew Research)

“(The rulers, elders and teachers of the law) called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.” — Acts 4:18

Of the world’s 15,958 Major People Groups, 6,415 (numbering 1.8 billion persons) are considered unreached. (Joshua Project)

Fulfilling the Great Commission in these countries may be forbidden but it is not impossible.

We have to change our way of thinking about outreach and communication in a post Christian age. Traditional methods must be transformed. –Michelle Diedrich, GMO Communications Director

2. The Internet is the new mission field

1.8 Billion people, 26% of the world’s population, is on the Internet. (Internet Usage Statistics, December 2009)

67% have a cell phone. (Mobile Marketing Watch, February 2010)

According to the 2010 Kaiser Report, the average youth in the U.S. consumes 10:45 hours of media each day. If they’re not asleep or in school, they’re using Facebook or texting. They’re going online in a variety of ways, getting information from their friends, consuming media.

Apple sold more than 300,000 iPads on the first day. More than one million apps have already been downloaded. In 2009, China passed the U.S. as the largest user of mobile broadband.

More people use the Internet than go to church. Over 2 million people conduct spiritual searches through the Internet each day.

“This is not a passing fad,” Diedrich confirmed.

3. Internet evangelism is a ministry option not a technology option

Diedrich pointed out, “The church is now in bits as well as atoms. The network is the market.”

Churches around the country are taking notice and introducing their members to online evangelism.

Pastor Rob Jackson, Forestville Baptist Church (Greenville, SC) uses GMO’s Always Ready program as a safe way to introduce online evangelism to his church. Jackson even integrates his congregations online missions activity into worship services. Online missionaries are giving testimonies about the people they are connecting with and ministering to all over the world.

In this video Pastor Jackson talks about his church’s online mission program. Churches of all sizes are developing online missions strategies that are deliberately evangelistic.

4. Online evangelism is easier than you think

“You don’t need to be seminary trained to share the gospel online,” according to Amy Gross, a Christian blogger (Mom’s Toolbox) and online missionary with GMO. “It opens your eyes to the needs of the world, without ever having to leave home. With GMO, I can go on a short term mission trip every day – in my pajamas!”

Diedrich’s personal experience has been similar. “I had no idea how easy it would be to share the gospel with people. It has really enabled me to do what we’re supposed to do. Sharing online has definitely made it easier to talk face to face with people about my faith.”

Online missionaries come from every background and range in age from 21-90.

What’s been the biggest surprise of being an online missionary? Gross said, “I have time to pray over questions asked and can get resources from GMO to help me reply.”

It’s a place where missionaries must be.

5. Online evangelism changes lives

“Can you really have a personal relationship with someone online?” is the question Diedrich says she gets asked the most.

To find out if online evangelism really changes lives, GMO conducted a survey of 8,500 people, six months after having made a decision for Christ online.

The results:

a. Are you certain of your salvation? 87% Are Assured
b. Has your thinking/view/life experience changed? 72% Worldview
c. Do you read the Bible daily? 44% Bible
d. Do you attend church regularly? 63% Worship
e. Do you set aside time to pray daily? 58% Pray
f. Are you sharing your faith with others? 57% Share

Can you really have a personal relationship with someone online? “Absolutely you can!” Diedrich exclaimed.

GMO has recognized the need for connecting new believers to local Christian movements and has created the church partner program to strengthen its local church network.

6. Additional key benefits from online evangelism

A challenge for churches is how to encourage, train and equip people to talk about Jesus with others.

In a study, GMO online missionaries said gaining “More confidence to talk about my faith face-to-face” was the number one benefit of online evangelism. Survey participants also said that being an online missionary “Increases my vision for world missions” by 50%.”

7. Christians aren’t the only religious group online

Other religious groups are flooding the Internet with information and making an effort to dominate search engines.

According to Pew Research, “There is every indication that the Internet is a major source of religious information where people of many cultures and languages collect their spiritual facts and opinions in private.”

Many of these individuals are at risk of adopting a potpourri of religious ideas.

If Christians aren’t there to help people find Jesus,” Diedrich asked with concern, “what will they find? We want to make sure people know the real Jesus and how to have a relationship with Him.”

8. Why Internet ministry as opposed to other great works

God can do anything through anyone using any tool.

For Global Media Outreach, its online missionaries and ministry partners, the vision is clear, as Diedrich shared. “We are the first generation – ever – to hold in our hands the technology to give every person on earth multiple chances to accept Jesus Christ.

We don’t want to miss our opportunity!”

The complete webinar online (it’s about an hour in length)

Additional reports on the webinar can be found in this article, and in Paul Steinbrueck’s blog post The Internet’s Effect on Online Missions – Available Online.

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