Top Priority for Great Commission Collaboration

Collaboration is people working together to achieve a common goal they couldn’t possibly achieve on their own. To create a successful collaboration, a number of conditions are needed at the outset.

In my experience, five factors are essential for starting a collaboration. One stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Five essential factors

1. An urgent need, commonly shared. People need a compelling reason to join with others in a grand mission. Working together in some great cause gives the effort meaning and purpose.

2. An understanding of the situation. Solid, reliable information is crucial to developing an effective plan.

3. A willingness to share resources. Sharing knowledge and assets leads to “win-win” strategies.

4. Trust. Everyone has a voice in the process. Competitiveness and personal agendas are set aside. Trust helps build consensus and is essential to maintaing good relationships.

5. Prayer. The Scriptures always portray God’s interaction with His people through prayer in the midst of great endeavors.

    The most important factor

    My favorite story of people working together in the Bible is the rebuilding of the walls in Jerusalem. It comes from the book of Nehemiah, named after the leader of this massive reconstruction project.

    Nehemiah was a Hebrew and royal cupbearer to a foreign king when word comes to him that the wall of Jerusalem is in ruin.

    “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” Nehemiah 1:4

    What was Nehemiah’s first response to this huge challenge? He prays. Gut wrenching prayer that went on for days. It was a prayer of confession. An acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty over the lives of the people and the situation at hand. In his prayer, Nehemiah also asked for the Lord’s help and blessing on the next step. Then, he waited four months for God to open the door.

    Prayer made a huge difference in how things went throughout the process. Nehemiah led the people in prayer for creativity, for protection, for perseverance, for courage, for strength, for unity and for faith.

    Prioritizing prayer and trusting God gave Nehemiah and the people extraordinary confidence to believe…

    The God of heaven will give us success.” (Nehemiah 2:20)

    And he did. God helped them rebuild the wall in a record 52 days.

    First things

    Carrying out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is the most pressing global challenge facing the Church today.

    As discussed in this post, for the first time in history, God has given the Church technologies to complete the mission in our lifetime.

    Even so, it will take unprecedented levels of coordination, cooperation and collaboration to take maximum advantage of the tools.

    Exploring the collaboration option requires consideration of the many essential factors necessary for successful alliances. Like Nehemiah, seeking the God of all wisdom through prayer should be the top priority. It will be the single greatest contributor to success.

    If God has more – 52 day like – record achievements waiting for His people, the process will begin with prayer.

    Note: Global Media Outreach is the Internet ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. You can read more about how they integrate prayer with their local church partnership strategy in “Internet Evangelism: The Local Church Solution.”

    Question: What other factors should be considered for Great Commission collaboration?

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